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Library System Council: SLS Council Bylaws

Rockland BOCES School Library System Council Bylaws


Section 1. This organization shall be called the Rockland BOCES School Library System.

Section 2. The area to be served is the County of Rockland including all eligible public and non-public schools.


Section 1. Council Purpose

The School Library System Council will advise and support the School Library System Director in areas of policy, budget, planning and evaluation of School Library System services including the development, implementation and evaluation of the Plan of Service.

Section 2. Council Membership

Each district will appoint one school librarian to the council. Council members serve a three year term. In addition, the council will include the following categories


  • Non-public School Librarian in Rockland County
  • Assistant Superintendent for Instruction or Director of Curriculum Instruction from a Rockland school district
  • Public Librarian in Rockland County
  • Ramapo Catskill Library System (RCLS) Representative
  • Southeastern New York Library Resources Council (SENYLRC) Representative

Two people from any of the following categories may be included.

  • Building or District Level Administrator from a Rockland School District
  • Classroom Teacher from a Rockland School District
  • College Librarian from a college in Rockland County
  • Business Leader operating in Rockland County
  • Board Member from a Rockland School District
  • Parent from a Rockland School District
  • Law Enforcement Official working in Rockland County

Section 3 Membership

Council members serve a three-year term. Council members are appointed by their assistant superintendent for instruction (ASI). Terms are renewable with ASI approval. Other systems (RCLS, SENYLRC) appoint representatives at the discretion of their executive director.

Section 4. Council Chairperson

The council shall elect a chairperson by majority vote on an annual basis. The chairperson must be a council member for at least one year. The chairperson may not serve as a chair for more than four consecutive years. The chairperson will help create the agendas and run the meetings. The chairperson will be responsible for signing the school library system Annual Report, budget, and Plan of Service.

Section 5. Meetings

The council shall meet at least four times a year these meetings take place in conjunction with other scheduled School Library System meetings.

Section 6. Minutes

The director, or another designated person, shall record the minutes of all meetings. The director shall ensure that meeting minutes are distributed to all participating librarians, council members, ASl's and to the New York State Library's Division of Library Development.

Section 7. Voting

Each School Library System Council member shall have one vote. A simple majority of the total number of Council members participating in the meeting will be needed for passage.


The by-laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members of the council provided that the proposed amendment shall have been included in the written notice of the meeting.